The Problem:
Lyrically, the song is about the first world problem of being too busy with your life you don’t have time for the important things, like caring about where your food comes from, or the conditions fellow human beings find themselves in (like offshore detention centres).
Sonically, the song is a jaunty blast of rock n’ roll.
I didn’t have access to film the band, nor could I use any of their existing photography.
My Pitch:
Match creative commons (free to use) cartoon clips to the song using quick, on-the-beat-edits.
The visuals would be retro and vivid, matching the vibe of the song, whilst the themes of each clip could match the topics covered … especially considering the age of the cartoons, some ended up a little too appropriate (racism was rampant is classic cartoons).
The Result?
Rage’s Wild One for the week.