The Problem:
As the Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) regulates marketing communications, it requires up-to-date knowledge on the channels and methods used by business. ACMA engaged ADMA to undertake this research on its behalf, leveraging its market position and standing in the industry.
My Pitch:
I could combine my university training in survey creation with my real world experience at working with companies that had a heavy reliance on direct marketing.
Conversing between the groups it was decided to run a competition to entice participation by marketing professionals as well as smaller businesses that didn’t specifically have marketing appointed staff.
To make the final information compatible with previous research, I sourced existing data from the Global Alliance of Data-Driven Marketing Associations (GDMA) and aligned the questions and terminology to match. Working with the ADMA team, I assisted in drafting the questions to match ACMA’s information requirements.
The Result?
The final responses on usage and spending patterns by businesses was tabulated as the 2016 ResearchACMA Report on Data-driven marketing practices (Australian industry participants survey results).