QUT: Digital Journalism lecturing & tutoring

The Problem:

While I had tutored various classes at QUT and had guest lectured for a handful of classes (including KJB101 Computational Journalism, KJB304 Subediting, KJB103/211 Layout & Design, and KJB121 Journalistic Inquiry),  the coordinator of KJB101, Dr Louise Greyson, asked me to take over her role of Lecturer for KJB101 during its initial ‘lectorial’ test run in semester two, 2013 as she would be unavailable to teach for a few weeks mid-semester.

My Pitch:

How high shall I be jumping?

The Result?

An induction by fire, but a final result to be proud of. I overhauled the powerpoint and updated content where appropriate to teach students how to find stories using purely digital sources.